Monday, December 21, 2009

come home. this japanese magazine is so lovely. lovely. now that i am back in japan for a month holiday i bought the latest copy. and fell in love with the magazine all over again. it's full of great home decorating inspiration. and good ideas for decorating your crafty nooks. there's quite a building furniture projects. some wooden ones. and some made out of pipes. very clever. i'm anxious for h-kun to give these a this issue comes with a really nice notebook designed by orne de feuilles. there is also a couple of pages about nippori textile town in tokyo with a cute little map. and there is a section on how to remake a men:s white dress shirt. with a few great ideas.

if you are interested in seeing more photos or purchasing this magazine, please click here.


Rosa said...

wow, leslie, i had no idea this blog was yours also....until you mentioned h-kun and it all came together. I've subscribed to this for a while and found it competely seperately to your 'a little goodness'. You are prolific! Well done and thankyou for all your efforts to keep us in touch with all things japanese. Have a wonderful holiday in Japan x

Unknown said...

Wow, I just found this blog and I love japanese craft magazines and books...I can't wait for a few minutes - or hours to go thru it.



red road studio said...

i'm missing Japan so much - your blog is such a happy find - really like the content and the info you comment on.

ILikePaperCutting said...

love your blog, lots of interesting stuff and they are real inspiring.

underwerket / Lisa Grue said...

just found this blog. I am an artist from Denmark and I love japanese crafts.
Greetings from Copenhagen